Program Specific
About the Benefits
The Faculty of Community Services Society (FCSS) small Levy Fee of $30.00 per (Fall/Winter) semesters will not only benefits us students on a faculty-level but also inside our individual programs.
Read below at what the benefits are for your program, that the FCSS is able to provide you starting next fall when you choose YES in the referendum!

Benefits for one fee that suits all needs:
DCC and EPH Student-led Cafe Eateries
The Faculty of Community Services Society (FCSS) wants to, and will create two student-led living lab spaces on campus for Nutrition and Food students once we secure a levy. Students will be paid working and researching new recipies, food, and drinks. students will have the opportunity to operate a cafe, gain experience in the food industry, and work with real preofessionals. The ingredients will come from urban farms, rooftop farms, and local community gardens/green houses. If you want to see this come to life, make sure to vote YES on RAMSS November 7-9. #GetMoreFCS
Frosh Loan Program.
Did you pay to attend frosh this past year? Did you know you paid for a loan? The loan outlined in the ticket process stated that you'll be refunded the entire price of the ticket once the FCSS secures a levy from FCS students. Contingent soley on the referendum passing. #GetMoreFCS, Mke sure to vote YES on RAMSS November 7-9, 2022.
Compassion Fatigue Care Events
The FCSS wants to make sure Nutrition students are catching up with their own mental health and compassion fatigue. We know as caregivers it's very tiring. This is why the FCSS has a new ED Culture & Wellness portfolio role which will be dedicated to planning weekly yoga, meditation, dog/cat therapy, therapy tea circles, and wellness events/initiatives. Your time here at the FCS should be stress and anxiety free while on placements. Read more about Compassion Fatigue events the future funded FCSS will provide here. #GetMoreFCS
Student Leadership Awards
FCSS strongly believes students should earn recognition for the amount of hours they put into their student experience that makes an impact in someone else's experience. The FCSS once funded will be offering a wide range of individual and student group awards with monetary value. You are able to read up on the awards in our publicly posted Awards Policy. #GetMoreFCS
Group Conference Trips Covered 100%
FCSS will fund up to 100% for external Conferences & Competitions
Student competitions are a key component of student life and learning at the Faculty of Community Services (FCS) and Toronto Metropolitan University which has not been offered in over a decade due to limited funding. Competitions allow FCS students to experience ‘real world’ health challenges in competitive learning environments, while presenting to industry professionals. Students who participate in conferences and competitions have a richer educational experience overall; the training, collaboration and competition experience are all important learning opportunities that prepare FCS students to thrive in the Healthcare, Medical, Community Health, Global Health, Public Policy, and Community Care world post-graduation.
Emergency Nutrition Student Grants
The next time we enter a pandemic, epidemic or emergency situation. Or when Nutrition and Food students are going through financial hardships... there will always be a fund available to students to use. #GetMoreFCS
Networking with Health Sciences and Community Care Students Across the Province
The Faculty of Community Services Society founded the Ontario Health Sciences Student Society Association. There are currently 20 member faculty-level student societies across the province from McMaster to Carleton and down towards Waterloo. The OHSSSA regularly meets to organize the Health Science Olympics, and promote networking conferences that are happening or hosting. These events will be expanded, and foster innovation, networking, plus new friendships across the province. #GetMoreFCS
More Accessible Prayer Room Space.
Are you a student who seeks access to an inclusive secluded prayer space on campus? The FCSS is committed to finding space, and purchasing prayer mats, and materials. While also offering 24 hour access into the space, with no keys.
Nutrition Course Union Funded
Did you know the Nutrition Course Union is currently underfunded in comparison to all other course unions across the campus? This levy which is covered by OSAP will allow the NCU to receive an annual base funding of $10,000 yearly with no cuts, and up to $35,000 in additional funding. This money will be used to provide the experiences they provide and new ones for free including formals, workshops, conferences, advocacy events, social events, and current/future discounts. #GetMoreFCS
Vote YES on RAMSS November 7-9.
Nutrition Clubs Funded
The new levy fee will allow all current and new nutrition clubs formed to receive up to $4,000 a year for the good initiatives and good work they provide to the undergraduate student community. #GetMoreFCS
Vote YES on RAMSS November 7-9.
Nutrition Mature Students
Are you a mature Nutrition and Food student looking for more friends within your faculty to help be a part of your social or support network and within the Faculty? You are in luck! The FCS undergraduate community is filled with lots of mature students across all of our programs. The FCSS is striving to foster a well connected community for all ages, and especially our mature students through programming initiatives, bursaries, and events. The FCSS and our clubs, associations, and course unions are here to provide you with professional development skills, career advice, and a key point of contact connection for you to find what you looking for at TMU more easily, and efficiently #GetMoreFCS
Vote YES on RAMSS November 7-9.