Program Specific
About the Benefits
The Faculty of Community Services Society (FCSS) small Levy Fee of $30.00 per (Fall/Winter) semesters will not only benefits us students on a faculty-level but also inside our individual programs.
Read below at what the benefits are for your program, that the FCSS is able to provide you starting next fall when you choose YES in the referendum!

Benefits for one fee that suits all needs:
Fig Scrubs for all Nursing Students
Tired of paying for scrubs out of pocket? Tired of the uncomfortable feeling of normal scrubs? The FCSS and the NCU wants to supply all nursing students with FIGS Nursing scrubs with multiple pockets each year. This way students do not need to worry about paying from the George Brown campus store when you are a Main Site nursing student. One fee that covers you in multiple ways! #GetMoreFCS
Sleeping Pods
Do you have late night shifts and need to nap during the day? Or need to stay late on campus but can't afford or find space in the commuter hostel or get a hotel? The FCSS within the first year of having a levy (Next Year) will be purchasing over 5 sleeping pods for students to use. Sanitary is important to us. That is why after each use a deep cleaning will take place before the net FCS guest. There will be a booking system similar to booking a study room. Free to use for all FCS students! #GetMoreFCS
CPR Training Covered
Are you sick of having to pay out of pocket for CPR training? This new levy will cover this out of pocket fee so you will never have to worry about paying out of pocket again within your time here at the FCS. #GetMoreFCS
First Aid Training Covered
Are you sick of having to pay out of pocket for First Aid training? This new levy will cover this fee so you will never have to worry about paying out of pocket again within your time here at the FCS. #GetMoreFCS
Paid Placements for All
Did you know the FCSS is in the advocacy position to get the CNP program and the PDN programs paid placements for all? This is one of the main priorities of the FCSS once the levy is secured within the first three years. #GetMoreFCS
Nursing Course Union Funded
Did you know the NCU is currently underfunded in comparison to all other course unions across the campus? This levy which is covered by OSAP will allow the NCU to receive an annual base funding of $10,000 yearly with no cuts, and up to $35,000 in additional funding. This money will be used to provide the experiences they provide for free including formals, workshops, social events, and current/future discounts. #GetMoreFCS
Nursing Clubs Funded
The new law will allow all current and new nursing clubs formed to receive up to $4,000 a year for the good initiatives and good work they provide to the undergraduate student nursing community. #GetMoreFCS
New Generation NCLEX Training Workshops
This fee will allow all third and fourth year students every year to go through free new Generation NCLEX training workshops complete with practice exams, and skill knowledge brush-ups. #GetMoreFCS
Nursing Experiential Job Fair and Networking Night
Are you a nursing student struggling to find your first or maybe second nursing job? Or looking at brushing up your resume, cover letter or CV? This new fee will help fund important workshops, and a career week in the fall semester and winter semester every year to help you find your dream career path, plus network with RNs. #GetMoreFCS
Synergy Gateway Fee Waived
Why pay for that $50.00 Synergy Gateway fee every year? The $60.00 levy will cover paying for this fee for all undergraduate nursing students every year with way more benefits like having a real student experience, job networking, and more. Did we mention this fee will be also covered by OSAP? That's a win, win, win right there. Make sure to choose YES FCS!
Hemp Medical Workshop Training for Community Health
The FCSS wants to make sure Nursing students get Hemp Workshops. These workshops provide an opportunity for students to explore a variety of topics on recreational and medical cannabis, including legal status, types of cannabis, benefits and risks, and evidence-based recommendations. These interactive workshops will review patient education, screening/ treatment of cannabis use disorder, and provide guidance on writing authorizations for medical cannabis with a sample prescription. Learners will also have access to clinical tools such as a cannabis flowchart, evidence summaries, and other resources. #GetMoreFCS
Student Leadership Awards
FCSS strongly believes students should earn recognition for the amount of hours they put into their student experience that makes an impact in someone else's experience. The FCSS once funded will be offering a wide range of individual and student group awards with monetary value. You are able to read up on the awards in our publicly posted Awards Policy. #GetMoreFCS
Group Conference Trips Covered 100%
FCSS will fund up to 100% for external Conferences & Competitions
Student competitions are a key component of student life and learning at the Faculty of Community Services (FCS) and Toronto Metropolitan University which has not been offered in over a decade due to limited funding. Competitions allow FCS students to experience ‘real world’ health challenges in competitive learning environments, while presenting to industry professionals. Students who participate in conferences and competitions have a richer educational experience overall; the training, collaboration and competition experience are all important learning opportunities that prepare FCS students to thrive in the Healthcare, Medical, Community Health, Global Health, Public Policy, and Community Care world post-graduation.
Emergency Nursing Student Grants
The next time we enter a pandemic, epidemic or emergency situation. Or when Nursing students are going through financial hardships... there will always be a fund available to students to use. #GetMoreFCS
Networking with Nursing and Healthcare Students Across the Province
The Faculty of Community Services Society founded the Ontario Health Sciences Student Society Association. There are currently 20 member faculty-level student societies across the province from McMaster Nursing to Carleton Health Sci, and Queens Nursing, and down towards Windsor Nursing. They regularly meet to organize the Health Science Olympics, and promote networking conferences that are happening or hosting. These events will be expanded, and foster innovation, networking, plus new friendships across the province. #GetMoreFCS