There is a difference between “sponsorship” and “corporate relations”. Sponsorship is any exchange of materials (including money and people) or services between anyone inside the FCSS and anyone outside the FCSS. Sponsorship provides exposure to the sponsoring company or access to services and/or resources of the FCSS (including students). Corporate Relations are the interactions and communication required in order to obtain sponsorship.
Only certain people can act on behalf of the FCSS. These people include the TED, Executive Board, and ED Finances Sponsorship Committee team, or anyone in the FCSS where their primary role is handling external affairs, corporate relations, and sponsorship. While anyone in the FCSS can interact with anyone outside of the FCSS, official business must be conducted by a representative of the FCSS. Whether a student is a representative or not of the FCSS, a student must not enter into a contract personally (by signing an agreement on behalf of the FCSS). All agreements with anyone outside of the FCSS must be made with the TMSU, TMAPS105, or the university. When acting on behalf of the FCSS, students must ensure that there is no conflict of interest between their personal interests and the betterment of the FCSS (i.e. a potential job offer and sponsorship for the FCSS).
There are four classifications of sponsors: Traditional Sponsors, Non‐Traditional Sponsors, Restricted Sponsors, and Non‐Restricted Sponsors. Traditional Sponsors sponsor the FCSS year after year, whereas Non‐Traditional Sponsors may not be every year. Both Traditional and Non‐Traditional Sponsors are considered to be Restricted Sponsors. Non‐Restricted Sponsors are “everyone else” and most likely has not sponsored the FCSS in the past.
To ensure a strong relationship with our sponsors, the FCSS has a one‐contact system. If a student is not the contact for the sponsor, students may not contact that sponsor for anything to do with the FCSS (unless the ED Finance and Corporate Relations gives them permission). The FCSS also maintains a one-contact system with any sponsorship‐generating events. The one‐contact system is governed by the ED Finance and Corporate Relation and their committee team.
If a student wants to contact a Restricted Sponsor, they must contact the Finance and Corporate Realtions committee team by first going to the ED Finance and Corporate Relations responsible for the event in question, then the Corporate Relations Manager (CRM) for the company, then the committee. Any contact with the Restricted Sponsor will be handled by the Finance and Corporate Relations Committee Team (unless appropriate otherwise). To learn which companies who are considered to be Restricted Sponsors, please speak to the ED Finance and Corporate Relations.
If a Non‐Restricted Sponsor shows continual interest in sponsoring the FCSS in the future, that Sponsor may be deemed to be a Restricted Sponsor. If a student is seeking sponsorship in the community, they must inform the ED Finance and Corporate Relations who is being approached and for what purpose. This is to ensure that there are no potential conflicts between any current sponsors or deliverables.
If the purpose of sponsorship is vastly different than the FCSS, independence from the FCSS may be granted. TED , and ED Finance and Corporate Relations shall determine what will operate independently from the FCSS.
For more information please contact our ED Finance and Corporate Relations at

Lets connect, and talk about sponsorships.
Jerry Leung (he/him)
ED Finance and Corporate Relations