The First Ratified Board of Directors
The year is 2023-2024, the first ratified Board of Directors begins on the first year of the brand new Faculty of Community Services Student Society. Not to be confused with a steering committee, this year the operating budget was over $400,000+ in student levy funding, with 18 active committees, and 12 active student clubs under the umbrella of the student society and over $200,000+ allocated to funding student life, clubs, plus activations. In Addition over $100,000+ for capital legacy investments.
Alumni of Steering
The steering committees comprised students from across the faculty who were community organizing, and all focused on establishing a student-funded student society. The pre-work of the FCSS during these years was operating between a $6,000-$12,000 budget for over 6,000 students, tasked with planning Orientation Week, and putting on events to hopefully showcase to students the potential of what a student society could do for the faculty. Students of the steering committees were all volunteers. They did this out of their passion and love for student life, to hopefully one day make student engagement a larger thing in FCS.
2022-2023 Steering Committee Team
Sanja Neretljak
Collaborative Nursing Program Director
Jenn Zubair
Nutrition and Food Director
Rosie Isabella
Disability Studies Director
Child and Youth Care Director
Occupational Health and Safety Director
Social Work Director
Angelina Salvati
Early Childhood Studies Director
Isabella Taskiran
Public Health and Safety Director
Hayden Poon
Urban Planning Director
Joanna Eaton
Midwifery Education Program Director
Post Diploma Nursing Director
Placement/Co-op Director
First Year Director
Bennie Leung
International Director
2nd Year Mainsite Nursing
Adam Norias
Indigenous Director
3rd Year Social Work Program
Pamela Wettlaufer
Student Society Manager
Katy Fahimi
Office of the Dean Faculty of Community Services
Nadya Burton
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Jacob Circo
Student Society Chairperson
Ann-Marie Moulton
Equity, Diversity, and Community Inclusion Commissioner
Sabrina Yuen
Commissioner + Co-Chair Sustainability Council
Faculty of Community Services at
Toronto Metropolitan University
2021-2022 Steering Commmittee
Trinty Ho
Interim Executive Director of Administration and Operations
Trinity is a third year stduent of Urban and Regional Planning. Trinity is a Board of Govenors student rep passionate about making more inclusive, and diverse undergrad experience.
Daniel Barkin
Interim ED + ED of Marketing Communications
Daniel is a third year student in Urban and Regional Planning. He is the president of RAPS. Daniel is very passionate at creating a engaging undergraduate experience for everyone!
Rido Creer
Collab Nursing Program
Rido is in his second year in the Collaborative Nursing Program Ryerson Site. He serves on the NCU as the second year Representative. Rido is passionate about creating memorable experiences within our faculty, supporting student success, and engagement.
Jelena Trapsi
Early Childhood Studies
Jelena is in her fourth year of the Early Childhood Studies program. Being on the FCSS Steering Committee this year, something Jelena hopes to accomplish is being able to reach out and connect with more students while creating events, and opportunities that will further enhance their learning experiences.
Victoria Dao
Early Childhood Studies
(Vice ED of Academics)
Victoria is in her fourth year of the Early Childhood Studies Program. Victoria is the president of the ECS Course Union. Victoria is passionate about creating community within the Faculty.
Sabrina Yeun
Nutrition and Food
Sabrina is in her second year of the Nutrition Program and is the Events Co-Director of the Nutrition Course Union and Co-Chair of the FCSS Sustainability Council. She hopes to make student events more inclusive, engaging, and accessible for all Nutrition students.
Jacob Circo
Interim Chairperson
Jacob is an alumni of the Urban and Regional Planning Program. Jacob was involved in FCSS for three years as former Executive Director, was the FCS Student Senator, and the RSU Course Union director.
Karen Huang
Interim ED Finance
Karen has served as the President of the Public Health and Safety Course Union for the last three years. Karen is passionate about creating community and new opportunities for FCS students.
Prasha Sivasundaram
Interim Executive Director of Academics
Prasha is going in her fourth year of the Collaborative Nursing Program (Ryerson). Prasha is the FCS Senator. Prasha is passionate about creating academic change within the Faculty of Community Services.
Karen Huang
Finance Coordinator
Karen is going into her fifth year of the Public Health and Safety Program. Karen is the incoming president of the Public Health and Safety Course Union. Karen is passionate about creating a fair and engaging community for all.
Kyle Frame
Occupational Health and Safety
Kyle is going into his 5th year in the Occupational Health and Safety Program. Kyle is the Occupational Health Course Union President for his second year. He is passionate abut connecting the occupational health community together with the rest of the Faculty of Community Services.
Kirthega Jeevanathan
Occupational Health & Safety
Vice Chair of Events
Kirthega is in her second year of the Occupational Health and Safety Program. Kirthega originally was in the Faculty of Science studying Biology. Kirthega is passionate at creating a fun social environment for all students.
Derek O'brein
Nutrition and Food
Derek is the Vice President of the Nutrition Course Union. He is passionate about creating more community and unity within the Faculty of Community Services.
Arsh Braich
Events Chair
Collab Nursing Program
Arsh is in her fourth year in the Collaborative Nursing Program (Ryerson). Arsh is a Director of Events on the NCU. She is passionate about creating social events within the faculty.
Kawsar Yassin
Midwifery Education Program
Kawsar is in her third year of Midwifery (MEP). Kawsar is a mom, and part-time student passionate about making a more inclusive, and diverse undergrad experience.
Kennedy Byron
Interim Executive Director of Culture and Wellness
Kennedy is in their third year of the Social Work program. She is passionate about creating authentic and equitable connections within the faculty and beyond. She hopes to continually create an inclusive place for all.
Peter Chung
Social Work
Peter is in thier third year of Social Work at X University and serves as the Co-Chair of the Social Work Students’ Union (SWSU). Peter hopes to represent and express the concerns of the social work community at X. I also hope to promote inclusion and actively take a stand for student voice and issues.
Sarah Qaheri
Nutrition and Food
Sarah is in her third year of the Nutrition Program and is the President of the Nutrition Course Union. She is passionate about providing the diverse set of Nutrition students with events/ services that are inclusive, educational, inspiring, and engaging.
Kathy Staniszewski
ED of Events
Kathy is a direct-entry Child and Youth Care student in their 4th year of studies. They are the Co-President of the Child and Youth Care Course Union. They are pationate about being an advocate for CYC students at the faculty-level.
Katy Fahimi
FCS Office of the Dean
Administrative Coordinator
Katy is the Administrative Coordinator at the Faculty of Community Services Office of the Dean. Katy is helping to overlook the development of the undergraduate student society for the FCS.
Nadya Burton
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Nadya is the Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the Faculty of Community Services. Nadya is overlooking the development of the undergraduate student society for the FCS.
Pamela Wettlaufer
Student Society Manager
Pamela is the Student Society manager for Ryerson Science Society over at the Faculty of Science. Pamela is helping manage the events, and initatives the FCSS has put together this Fall.
Derek O'Beirn
Nutrition and Food
Derek is going into his third year of the nutrition program and is the incoming Vice President of the Nutrition Course Union. He aims to ensure that the Faculty of Community Service fosters a welcoming and engaging environment for students.
Caroline Meek
Child and Youth Care
Caroline Meek is one of the Co-Presidents of the Child and Youth Care Course Union.
Disability Studies
Rosie is a Disabilty Studies student whos passionate about making change in Rosie's undergraduate community.
Laura Weiner
EDCI Commissioner
Laura is a third year Social Work student. Laura currently serves as the Vice Chair of the EDCI Committee. Laura is passionate about helpin create a welcoming environment for all ages, sexualities, religion, abilities, and ethnicities.
Formerly >
The FCSS Steering Committee 2020-21
Prasha Sivasudaram
Prasha is in the four year collaboration stream situated at Ryerson. She is passionate about academic advocay among everyone within our faculty.
Arsh Braich
Arsh is heading into her fourth year of the 4 year Ryerson Nursing Collaborative Stream. Arsh is passionate about connecting community and planning social events.
Kawsar Yassin
Kawsar is going into her third year of Midwifery. Kawsar is passionate about helping create an equal and equitable community for all part-time students of the faculty.
Social Work Jr.
Kennedy Byron
Kennedy is heading into her third year of Social Work. She is passionate about creating authentic and equitable connections within the faculty and beyond. She hopes to continually create an inclusive place for all.
Social Work Sr.
Nidhi Jose
Nidhi is a heading into her 4th year of Social Work. She is passionate about enhancing student engagement and diversity.
May-January 2021
Child & Youth Care
Fatima Fatima
Fatima is heading into her fourth year. She is passionate about creating memorable and inclusive experiences to support students' engagement at Ryerson.
Alumni Rep
Sadia Tariq
Sadia Tariq is an alumni in Urban Planning. Sadia is passionate about creating recreational, and community building events.
Urban Planning
Jacob Circo
Jacob is heading into his fourth year of Urban Planning. He is passionate about government structure, and politics.
Anette Boersma
Anette Boersma is going into her 4th year in Early Childhood Studies. She is passionate about wellness/well-being by creating open community events and spaces.
Occupational Health & Safety Jr.
Kirthega Jeevanathan
Kirthega is entering her second year of Occupational Health and Safety. She is passionate about connecting individuals within Ryerson's Community Services Faculty.
Public Health & Safety
Karen Huang
Karen Huang is heading into her fifth year of Public Health and Safety. Karen is the PHSCU president. Karen is passionate about connecting students across the faculty through networking and social events.
Fariha Kibria
Fariha is going into her fourth year of Nutrition. Fariha is passionate about creating educational events, and networking opportunities within the faculty.
Urban Planning
Trinity Ho
Trinity is going into her third year of SURP. She is a student passionate about making more inclusive, and diverse undergrad experience.
Disability Studies
Rosina Isabella
Rosie is in the Disability Studies program within FCS. Rosie is passionate about creating a safe community for all abilities.
Marketing Chair
Daniel Barkin
Daniel is in SURP. Daniel is an incoming RAPS Co-President. His role is creating the visual communication aspects, marketing, and facilitation of FCSS community wide.
Occupational Health & Safety Sr.
Kyle Frame
Kyle Frame is going into his fifth year of Occupational Health as the president of the OHSCU. He is passionate abut connecting the occupational health community together with the rest of the Faculty of Community Services.
Nursing Jr.
Rido Creer
Rido is heading into his second year of the collaborative nursing program. Rido is passionate about creating memorable experiences within our faculty, supporting student success, and engagement.
Nursing Jr.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Associate Dean
Dr. Nadya Burton
Overseeing development of the undergraduate student society.
FCS Staff
Dani Gomez-Ortega
Dani is the Head of Student Experience in the Faculty of Community Services Deans' Office.
Steering Committee Members
The Team
Dani Gomez-Ortega is a member of faculty who over looks our roles and manages our committee.
Daniel Barkin is a first year student in the School of Urban and Regional Planning.
Amy Mather is a third year student in CYC.
Rosina Isabella is a student in DS.
Sahra Yousuf is a student in ECS.
Evelyne Russel is a student in Midwifery.
Arsh Braich is a student in Nursing Collaborative Stream. Arsh is one of two Nursing Representatives.
Prasha Sivasudaram is a Nursing student in the Collaboration Stream.
Fariha Kibria is a student in Nutrition.
Evita Pinero is a fourth year student within SOPHE. Evita is a current Occupational Health Exec on SOPHE Course Union.
Zaynab Dhalla is a current student in the BSW program here in FCS.
Jacob Circo is a third year SURP student who is on the current Senate and 2019-20 RAPS Course Union.
Sadia Tariq is a current fourth year student in SURP.